To find a certified Komyo ReikiDo (KRD) teacher in your country, please check the Directory. Komyo ReikiDo International may not list all KRD teachers but the KRD representative in each country will have their own data-base. Please contact them for their country's teacher details.
If you wish to be listed, you must
If you wish to be listed, you must
- be a certified Komyo ReikiDo Shihan.
- be currently teaching the complete Komyo ReikiDo system.
- provide proof that you are teaching Komyo ReikiDo by providing link to your website, business Facebook page or provide copies of marketing material.
- agree to follow the Codes of Ethics & Codes of Practice.
- If Komyo ReikiDo Shihans have not been taught by Inamoto Hyakuten, lineage will be requested. Re-sitting classes will be mandatory to ensure Shihans are aligned with current Komyo ReikiDo teachings & practices.
- sign an agreement on KRD Manual use.